One of Bill Clinton’s old flames has yet another shocking story to reveal about Hillary, and boy is it bad.
The former Miss Arkansas for 1958, it’s little wonder that Sally Miller caught the eye of the then-Governor of Arkansas. That the two initiated a month-long affair is only slightly more surprising, given Clinton’s long, sordid record with women.
What is eyebrow-raising about Miller’s recollection of her time with Bill is what he had to say about Hillary. If the things she has to say about the former First Lady are true, then the Democratic Party has nominated one of the most unstable candidates for the presidency in the nation’s history.
According to Miller, not only is Hillary a polyamorous lesbian who boasted of her exploits to Bill because she knew it “turned him on,” she was a compulsive user of cocaine, a habit reportedly encouraged by her husband because she was said to be unbearable when she wasn’t under the drug’s influence.
See Miller discuss these allegations on the next page:
When a woman, and I use that term loosely, defends a 42 year old man for RAPING a TWELVE year old girl… sets the rapist free using her endless bag of corrupt tricks, and then laughs about it on video, well, that piece of C**p is not to be trusted by ANYONE at ANY TIME ! But you see, The Butcher has always gravitated toward RAPISTS, heck, she married one ! Then she attacked Bill’s victims to keep them quiet. They paid almost $1 million to Paula Jones and her attorneys in an out of court settlement ! I’ll bet that made that money grubbing Killery sick to death ! ! !
And I didn’t even mention Benghazi, FRAUD, the Clinton FRAUDation, MURDER, and the endless list of her CRIMES, not scandals, CRIMES !
I knew her brain was toasted from something people aren’t born that stupid!
Bill, you sure can pick them, don’t you look at there family’s to see what these HAWGS are going to grow into? Must not, you got sillery!
I believe this women. hilldabeast disappears for days at t time. She looks awful, so its either booze or drugs. She is a maniac.
Shut puppy Bill help Hillary get cocaine
Old washed up hag !
This explains a lot!
Kinky$#%&!@*drug head$#%&!@*puppy.
oboy and some of you want her for a president. ….. another crackhead
Hillary is a known criminal