One of Bill Clinton’s old flames has yet another shocking story to reveal about Hillary, and boy is it bad.
The former Miss Arkansas for 1958, it’s little wonder that Sally Miller caught the eye of the then-Governor of Arkansas. That the two initiated a month-long affair is only slightly more surprising, given Clinton’s long, sordid record with women.
What is eyebrow-raising about Miller’s recollection of her time with Bill is what he had to say about Hillary. If the things she has to say about the former First Lady are true, then the Democratic Party has nominated one of the most unstable candidates for the presidency in the nation’s history.
According to Miller, not only is Hillary a polyamorous lesbian who boasted of her exploits to Bill because she knew it “turned him on,” she was a compulsive user of cocaine, a habit reportedly encouraged by her husband because she was said to be unbearable when she wasn’t under the drug’s influence.
See Miller discuss these allegations on the next page:
It’s that lady talking about Hillary did cocaine?
William Boyd it is better to construct than to destroy. Do you do drugs as it appears that your brain is addled.
I can understand that.
She is a criminal and junkie, what a garbage.
Senator Robert Byrd, in Senate since 1953 (only left in 2010 because he died), KKK member and longest serving senator in history, a democrat (lifelong) and Hillary Taughted him as her mentor, yet he hung blacks in the 40’s…,HMMMM
i think bill took the drugs in order to tolerate her.
Come on Hilary have a heart attack already
Not that it matters, really, because Hitlery has her deeply-rooted lesbian voters that are locked to her no matter what, and the other Ultra Leftwing extremist morons who will vote for her because she is a “woman”.
What does matter are the undecided voters, who can make a statement AGAINST Symbolism, and vote for Trump, and remove all the$#%&!@*matter from Congress and the White House.
And it didn’t work, she is still an unbearable$#%&!@*willing to lie about the color of the sky if it will get her what she wants.