The Obama Administration has made a bad habit of funding terrorism — directly or indirectly — and evidence of such deals are still incoming as Obama’s turn in the White House is finally coming to an end.
This week, it was revealed that Iran received $400 million in cash from the United States on the day they released four American hostages. The cash was secretly airlifted into the country and deposited from the sky in various forms of European currency.
The Obama administration quickly explained that the money was already promised to the country 40 years ago. The fact that the payment was made on the same day that Iran released the Americans was merely a coincidence, the White House seemed to suggest.
Of course, that excuse was quickly rejected even by the mainstream press. The media suggested that the money was ransom — paid to a country often accused of funding terrorists.
This isn’t the first time Obama’s White House has been accused of aiding the spread of terror. See how Hillary Clinton helped arm al-Qaeda on the next page:
Sacks, Jewelry, Gerber corporation.
I’m sure the UN will give her a pass just like the FBI did.
I kind of always thought that Obama staged the raid in Benghazi. The plan would’ve been for them to kidnap Ambassador Stevens, then Obama negotiate his release and ensure his reelection. Only Stevens resisted so they killed them. After all, it was only 6 weeks or so until the election.
You forgot John Kerry who served in Vietnam!
That’s aiding and abetting
Of course she did she hates our military and loves theirs.and has an Iranian girl friend as well.
“Try to keep this in mind, Donald Trump did not steal your money. Donald Trump did not raise your taxes. Donald Trump did not quadruple the price of food. Trump is not stirring a race war. Trump did not leave any US soldiers in Benghazzi to be slaughtered and desecrated by Muslims. Trump did not send the US Navy to fight for Syrian ,Al-Qaeda. Trump did not arm ISIS and systematically exterminate Christians throughout the Middle East. Trump did not betray Israel. Trump did not provide financing and technology to Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Trump did not give our military secrets to China. Trump did not remove our nuclear missile shield in Poland at the behest of Russia. Trump did not shrivel our military, and betray our veterans. Trump did not cripple our economy. Trump did not increase our debt to 20 trillion dollars. Trump did not ruin our credit, twice. Trump did not double African American unemployment. Trump did not increase welfare to a record level for eight years. Trump did not sign a law making it legal to execute, and imprison Americans. Trump did not set free all of terrorists in Guantanamo bay. Trump did not steal your rights!”
It just amazes me that no one is doing anything about Her. I mean do they really think that everyone has their head in the sand and cannot see the corruption that continues to go on in the US? Is all the Law Enforcement in that country bought and paid for to look the other way? Unbelievable!
Lock her up, lock her up, lock her up, please lock this ugly$#%&!@*up!