If she had taken money directly from foreign governments while serving as the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would have been in violation of the Constitution, specifically Article I, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution. In what is known as the Emoluments Clause, which originated from Article VI of the Articles of Confederation, U.S. government officials are not to take money from foreign entities in order to keep these foreign governments from buying influence with that official.
At issue is whether donations to the Clinton Foundation, which indirectly benefit Hillary Clinton, constitute illegal influence-peddling. Bill Clinton’s promise seems to suggest he, at least, thinks it appears to do just that. And that begs the question, if it’s improper for the Foundation to accept such donations when Hillary is president, why was it acceptable when she was doing favors as Secretary of State?
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
Suddenly Hillary has grown a conscience? Fat chance. She just got hacked and is exposed.
Former President Bill Clinton tells staff members on Thursday that it will also hold its final Clinton Global Initiative meeting in September in New York, regardless of the outcome of the November election.
The former president made the announcement in an afternoon meeting with foundation staff, according to participants who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity ahead of the formal announcement.
Bill Clinton said if Hillary Clinton wins the White House, the family’s foundation would only accept contributions from U.S. citizens and independent charities.
He added the foundation will continue its work, but plans to refocus its efforts in a process that will take up to a year to complete.
Source: Breitbart
Source: JapanTimes
She didn’t stop receiving them while Secretary of State so why should we believe she would stop as president? And even if she let got of the reins for awhile, Chelsea would take them and covertly operate in concert with Bill and Hillary. This family is corrupt through and through.
Predicted by
Bangladeshi famous astrologer Dr.k.c.pal (Gold medalist)
According to information received from the date of birth Hillary Clinton is an Aquarius according to oriental & she is a Scorpion according to the west. In the president election of 2016 Hillary Clinton will go to white house as the first female president in American history. Before the election as the 45th president Hillary committed to resolve the Economic Depression, Unemployment Eradication, improve law and order & also she will be capable to solve the current great disaster in the current world. Not only that but also in the near future for the reason of place the portrait of Hillary Clinton in the US currency she will be memorable to the entire nation of the world.(At first published by monthly Dhupchaya november-2015.Daily Bangladesh protidin-12 April 2016.Daily Inkilab 13 April-2016. Daily Vorer kagog 29 July-2016
That’s because they will steal more from the Americans. She cleaned out White House before. Lock down your wallets. If it’s there they will steal it
To little to late
I have oceanfront property in Arizona for sale.
Why not stop now???
It’s called the Clinton mafia headquarters
Both Clintons for Prison
And Unicorns fly
Yep..they will be able hit jackpot ,from top (he did leave
A little out there when he left)