How is the Clinton Foundation not recognized for what it is? It is a money laundering scheme that would be put out of business if not for the Clintons and their partners in crime who run the crooked operation! The Clintons are masters of redirecting attention and blaming others. For those who remember, there was a semen stained blue dress that Hillary blamed on a “vast right wing conspiracy” and the slutty White House intern who took advantage of poor old Bill.
When Hillary was Secretary of State, she made an agreement with the Obama administration to disclose funding sources of the Clinton Foundation as part of an ethics agreement to avoid the perception of impropriety. The foundation then went out and set up a partnership with a Canadian firm, which is quite convenient since Canadian law prevents charities in that country from disclosing their donors without the donors’ permission.
That obviously violates the spirit of the agreement which was set up to avoid conflicts of interest during Hillary Clinton’s tenure at the State Department.
More on the crooked hiding of money raised for the Clinton Foundation, page 2:
What’s new. The gruesome twosome deserve each other
Prevaricated first and foremost
Just another Clinton Crime Family operation.
It’s a private NGO! It doesn’t have a disclosure requirement. See?!? It looks like a bad fact, but that while reading the whole thing and reading the law exposes this headline for what it is…a red herring. Go read something. There are lots of reasons not to vote for her. Let’s stick to the ones grounded in facts. Smart is the new sexy.
Dear god man, please, grammar counts. Reading matters. Spelling isn’t multiple choice. Facts aren’t a liberal conspiracy. I’m not voting for her, but it’s because of real words I read from real information sources. Your post is the embodiment of irony.
of course, and her campaign will not disclose them either. Everyone know she is bought and paid for by our enemies
OF COURSE THEY DID. And what’s going to happen?
Why are they not in jail any one else wood bea
Why would anyone want a corrupt, lying, old hag for their President?!! A sickly one at that. No press conferences because she doesn’t want to answer questions about her lies and too, her ugly he’d might start bobbing around with a seizure!