How is the Clinton Foundation not recognized for what it is? It is a money laundering scheme that would be put out of business if not for the Clintons and their partners in crime who run the crooked operation! The Clintons are masters of redirecting attention and blaming others. For those who remember, there was a semen stained blue dress that Hillary blamed on a “vast right wing conspiracy” and the slutty White House intern who took advantage of poor old Bill.
When Hillary was Secretary of State, she made an agreement with the Obama administration to disclose funding sources of the Clinton Foundation as part of an ethics agreement to avoid the perception of impropriety. The foundation then went out and set up a partnership with a Canadian firm, which is quite convenient since Canadian law prevents charities in that country from disclosing their donors without the donors’ permission.
That obviously violates the spirit of the agreement which was set up to avoid conflicts of interest during Hillary Clinton’s tenure at the State Department.
More on the crooked hiding of money raised for the Clinton Foundation, page 2:
They broke the law put them all in prison, all the Clintons!
The things that have been coming out this week about Hillary Clinton and her so-called husband (this is only a marriage of political convenience only), are distressing. Somehow, it think that it is only the tip of the iceberg. She was instrumental in the sale of Uranium to the Russians so they could make their nuclear weapons. I don’t trust Saudi Arabia. They are supposed to be our ally, however, several of the 911 terrorist hijackers and the evil San Bernandino wife were all from there. It just has to make people wonder what is going on over there. They murder people for being gay. They treat women like 3rd class citizens. Women are not even allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia. These people are barbarians and yet this women has accepted millions from these animals while pretending to be the LGBT and woman’s advocate. In the bible, it states clearly that in the last days deceit will become a way of life. It started with Obama and is being perpetuated by this woman pretending to be a human who cares about others. Yet, the despicable media will not cover these facts. They attack Donald Trump at every turn. If he wins this election with so many factions coming against him, it will truly be because of divine intervention and prayer on the part of the people who understand the gravity of the situation. He has the idiotic Never-Trumpers, the greedy Republican Establishment, the waste of space Democrats, and the corrupt media going full throttle against him and yet, today in the polls, he is within the margin of error. Maybe America is finally getting it! One of the worse evil doers Hillary!
Hard to believe that Bill, Hillary & Chelsea would
Slush fund
Women support Hillary like the parents of criminals support their kids.
Is there some money laundering going on, bribes, or buying secrets from the USA. Maybe that’s why Harry Reid wants to feed Trump the false Intel. Cause that’s all they got left, Killary already sold everything else.
The Clinton Crime Syndicate…..
To disclose these donors would do the witch and her plans in….they would be totally destroyed.