In recent years, Democratic politicians have done their best to pander to minority groups such as African-Americans, Hispanics, gays, and now transgender people. It seems that their strategy is to ignore the silent majority of America, and instead bank on overwhelming support from these “marginalized” groups of voters. The big problem for the Democrats? There just are not enough of these groups to win them general elections.
Democrats have tried a number of ways to remedy this, but their favorite one is to try to bring in new eligible voters. Why just pander to Hispanics who are U.S. citizens when you can “create” new Americans?
President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and most of the other Democrats and socialists in the U.S. have made their desire to open our southern border no secret. They hope to grant citizenship to all of the illegal immigrants currently residing within our borders, and then bring even more new Democratic voters in waves of new immigrants.
It appears that if Hillary Clinton becomes our country’s 45th president, the Democrats will finally achieve their goal of open borders — within her first 100 days in office. To read about Hillary’s amnesty plan, continue reading on the next page:
Vote TRUMP; Not Hillary!!
Ol George will not be our next president.
Sad. God help America
the Lord know what she is and how she thinks and she will go down amen
this is George Soros speaking
I chose Life, Vote Trump.
If this crazy woman is elected , America is dead.
lock this deathwalker up and put her in prison for life with death sentence option put the poor Alzheimer patient out of her misery..
I would rather dissolve Hillary throw some water on her see if she shrivels down to nothing like the wicked witch.