Hillary Clinton clearly wasn’t prepared to lose Tuesday’s election.
Most political “experts” expected the election would be called shortly after the polls closed on the west coast. They said that Clinton was going to win and it wasn’t going to be particularly close. They couldn’t have been more wrong.
It ended up being a late night. Midnight came and went on the east coast with neither candidate declared the winner. But while neither candidate had yet reached 270 electoral votes, Donald Trump was almost assuredly going to win. At 2:31 ET, the Associated Press was the first major news network to make it official.
Moments after the call was made, the media turned their attention toward Clinton HQ. Instead of a concession, John Podesta dressed the crowd, saying that they’re hear from the campaign the following morning.
Now we may know why. Because Hillary Clinton wasn’t taking it well.
Read about her response on the next page:
John Pfaff. Yes John, 47 people died at American Embassies around the world while Bush was in office. I am sure they cried. I am sure that Hillary learned not to cry from her husband, the former President Clinton. While he was in office, he lost 2 US Embassies. Do you remember that on July 9 1998, 2 embassies were blown up and 224 people killed. So the total for the Clinton’s is 228 to Bush’s 47. The difference between Bush and Hillary is that Hillary’s attack lasted hours and the cries of help went unanswered. I don’t remember any Bush people saying, “What difference at this point does it make why they died?”.
Bush. :47
Obama. :7
Brent, I like the one, where she said she was named for Sir Edmond Hillary for climbing Mount Everest. The trouble is she was born in 1947 and Sir Edmond Hillary, climbed Mount Everest 1953.
I saw some people that more people died under Bush at US Embassies. That may be true, but let us take a look at a few presidents.
One person asked if Rice and Powell cries. I am sure they did. I am sure Hillary learned not to cry from her husband, Bill.
President Clinton had 2, that is two, US Embassies blown up, as in destroyed. During his terms, he had 224 killed at US Embassies. President Bush had 47 killed. President Obama has, as of. 28 September 2015, had 7 killed. Four of those at Bengazi. The thing that sets Bengazi apart from the other attacks is that the victims were still alive, begging for help, and it was never sent. I am ready for the abuse from the Hillary supporters.
Their paid media let them down…
Another f**e news story
Crying because she lost? Maybe women should not run for high office if they can not accept defeat.
I hope these s true evil vile woman
I’d like to share this with my die hard liberal friends.
Get a life. She knew she was doomed early on an was blitzed and likely incoherent.
Poor baby! The benghazi mothers and fathers are are still crying inconsolably! The liberal agenda- it’s always some one elses fault. Yes, obama helped your presidential demise because the american people did not want another 4 years of joblessness, no money to pay bills and feed our families, unaffordable healthcare, terrorism within our country, sanctuary cities harboring criminals who skirt the laws, no vetting of refugee invasions of our country, racial incitement, constitution destruction, executive privileges, constant presidential golfing, extravagant vacations, religous intolerance to anything non muslim…. Blah, blah, blah!