Hillary Clinton clearly wasn’t prepared to lose Tuesday’s election.
Most political “experts” expected the election would be called shortly after the polls closed on the west coast. They said that Clinton was going to win and it wasn’t going to be particularly close. They couldn’t have been more wrong.
It ended up being a late night. Midnight came and went on the east coast with neither candidate declared the winner. But while neither candidate had yet reached 270 electoral votes, Donald Trump was almost assuredly going to win. At 2:31 ET, the Associated Press was the first major news network to make it official.
Moments after the call was made, the media turned their attention toward Clinton HQ. Instead of a concession, John Podesta dressed the crowd, saying that they’re hear from the campaign the following morning.
Now we may know why. Because Hillary Clinton wasn’t taking it well.
Read about her response on the next page:
she is evil she dosnt belong here
The 12 year old brutally raped victim you laughed about getting her rapist off cried all through her life that you ruined, the mothers of the Benghazi men you abandoned cry everyday for the rest of their lives, more than half the nation would have been crying that 550% more Syrian refugees and open borders compromising God only knows how many lives lost if you had won. God answered our prayers to keep your evil self and degenerate husband far away from getting into our White House again. And all those women votes you thought you were getting…. WRONG!
It was all on Hillary and no one else
She cried because she finally realized that she is not Americas first female president ! We don’t buy her c**p and she now knows she’ll never get the chance!!
She was plastered
John Pfaff and we made sure another Bush was not coronated, you Dems laid down for a rigged primary to TRY and get a coronated nominee in the WH. What’s wrong with you people. That’s why President elect had so many Democrats switch to vote Trump and she lost, Thank God!
She shouldn’t lie this is the reason she lost her lies an telling people that she would give them the same things that obozo gave you an telling those guys in Virginia that she was going to take their jobs away an then she wasn’t going to do anying about the lousy health care there are people out here that can’t afford this health insurance the people in Washington don’t no how bad it is out here they don’t care just look what they have done to the seniors they took our money an you want us to vote for you GET ALIFE
Years of lies and corruption cough up to her. America woke up.
Get her a coloring book and some play doh
The biggest crybaby in a party full of cry babies. Don’t understand the word NO. No surprise here.