Donald Trump was declared the winner of the presidential election late Tuesday night. He delivered his victory speech immediately after the news broke, but the country had to wait until the next morning to hear from Hillary Clinton.
Now we may know why. Several hours after the election results came in, Clinton was still “crying inconsolably” and blaming FBI Director James Comey and Barack Obama for her loss.
This report comes to us from Ed Klein, the former Editor in Chief of NY Magazine. Watch him explain Clinton’s reaction in the video below.
Leaving out the dubious nature of this article, how do you know she did or didn’t cry at the times you mentioned? Were you with her? Do you have absolutely reliable eye witness testimony? Or is this what your bias dictates you believe?
That’s right I am so glad she lost this is a lesson
I went to bed that night thinking that Hillary was the sure winner. I believed the press and the polls. But just before nodding off, I whispered a desperate prayer, knowin that a Clinton victory would mean the end of the greatest nation ever created. “Dear God,” I prayed, “please, please don’t let her win. For the sake of this nation, please!!” I cannot tell you how absolutely joyfull I was to get the news the next morning. It was God’s will, Hillary. Aparently, he doesn’t like corrupt politicians either. By the way, I see your ending the Clinton World Wide Initiative because tjose million dollar donations from foreign countries has fallen off since you lost the election. Looks like they thought they were buying more than pampers for infants in Bangladesh.
I’m gonna cry me a river.
Thank u
Still nothing like the loss the families of Benghazi victims suffered.