Clinton, Comey React to Putin Bombshell ‘US Intel Helped Move $400,000,000 to Hillary Campaign’

President Putin dropped a bombshell that shattered the Russian collusion fabrication – that has Hillary Clinton received $400,000,000 in donations from someone who was once of the largest foreign investors in Russia, William F. Browder.

Before the Trump’s meeting with Putin, Hillary tweeted:

After the presser, Crooked Hillary desperately tried to deflect:

Comey also reacted:

Other Deep State puppets clamored:

RINO McCain also chimed in:

Major Deep State player and former CIA Director John Brennan:

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and Sen. Rand Paul had a major clash over the summit and the entire subject of Russia meddling in our election. Paul did a great job doling out sanity in this interview:




  1. Dwayne E creamer
  2. Brad

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