Hillary Clinton is going down in the polls, and now she’s getting desperate. First, she reignited the birther controversy in order to once again force the “Trump is racist” narrative. Now, she’s trying to bring back the story that Trump is aiding ISIS.
The first time Hillary Clinton attempted to make this claim she insisted that videos of Trump were being used to recruit Islamic State fighters. Eventually, that was determined to be false because no evidence existed to back up her claim.
Of course, lying has never been a problem for Hillary Clinton — it’s one of the few places in which she excels — so she’s at it again. This time, she is at least being a bit less specific.
Hillary may not be getting any better at telling the truth, but she seems to be getting better at the art of the lie.
Still, a lie is a lie, and you can read her at latest on the next page:
I like the fact she going down in polls this woman will say anything do anything to get the white house all she has to do is wait for the feliones and the illegails to vote pus the other country like Obama made part of amercia right in front of our face we did nonthing to stop him why wasn’t him in peach in the first 4 years instead you let him do more hamr to our nation you know who you hard do you self a favor don’t ever vote for her because she will do more of the same
Oh! Oh! her lips started to move again!!
OMG she is such a moron she and Obama are giving aid what the hell would Trump have to do with that except to kill the scum of the earth !
This stupid b**** thinks Americans are stupid
They. Both been doing that to others for a long time. .
Remember Susan McDougal wouldn’t testify against the clintons.. preferred jail instead of the alternative.
Nobody believes this squealing PIG anymore, crying wolf way to many times. The problem with lying, if you can’t remember the original one it’s impossible too keep it up.
No that is her she is just trying to make people believe its trump when ot is her doing it thats what she does always blame someone else for the things she does
Not aids . Old coke heads… late stage symptoms… both of them.. alcoholic Parkinson’s like SYNDROME.