Clinton Campaign Election Fraud Caught on Camera, Again


Clinton organizers are cut from the same unethical cloth as she. Their mission to win, at any cost, has created an army of deviant campaigners who will break voter laws in order to get their “highness” elected.
In Ames district in Iowa, organizers were intentionally stalling the vote in order to effect a win for Hillary.  The incident was caught on video, which make it tough to deny the allegations.
The hall was full to the point where fire regulations were in question. So he announces that we are going to caucus outside. an hour goes by and we’re still sitting.
At this point he announces that everyone who is sure of their vote is going to file out the door and tell it to an organizer and then go home. Both the bernie and clinton organizers claim this is incorrect. 45 minutes go by.
At this point many people, most first time caucus goers, were leaving. The man still refused to start counting votes. He claimed everyone could film him if they wished.
I think you all can guess what happens next. People start filming him. Not only does he refuse to go on record, not only does he refuse to state his name, but he attempted to get the (multiple) people filming kicked out because they were “independents”.
 Finally a pregnant caucus-goer takes control of the entire situation. The result: 16.1% clinton 84% sanders. If the caucus had been at the correct time, I’m confident it would have been a no-contest sanders victory.





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