George Soros made a multi-billion dollar fortune for himself as an investor. He subsequently made a name for himself as one of the premier globalists and one-world government activists on the planet. And he is certainly a busy guy, deploying his wealth to re-create the world according to his twisted vision where the individual is small, and the power of the state — or eventually the super-state — is huge and all-consuming. Again, just listen to what he says and watch who he supports for confirmation.
One recent example of his efforts to reshape America as he works to reshape the world, can be found in the wonderful work of WikiLeaks. The following release mentioning Hillary Clinton, her assistant Huma Abedin, Attorney General Lorreta Lynch, Clinton Campaign Manager Podesta, and Mr. Soros says it all. Note the comment that they need to, “make Soros happy.”
Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? It doesn’t sound Team Clinton is very interested in “America Votes” other than in the context of making Soros happy — an obvious priority. In the Clinton world, people exist to be used.
The really are all in it together. Destruction of national sovereignty. Subjugation of the Constitution, and with it, individual rights. And the promotion of the New World Order where you, as an individual, really don’t count other than as a very tiny cog supporting a very vast machine.
go trump
I believe American has more greater future with Donald Trump it all depends on dollar, in God we trust