“Extremely careless.” Those were the words FBI Director James Comey chose to describe Hillary Clinton’s treatment of classified material. Apparently, Clinton’s carelessness carried over to her staff, as well.
When Comey announced that his department would not recommend charges against Clinton, he skewered both the former secretary of state and her entire state department for their handling of top secret information. While Clinton was the only individual singled out in the proceedings, it was clear that she was far from the only one to blame.
It wasn’t like she wasn’t aware of the issues. Clinton famously sent out a memo at the beginning of her tenure asking her subordinates to refrain from using their private email accounts to conduct state business.
Now, it’s being reported that Clinton’s right-hand woman was just as careless as her boss.
See the evidence against Huma Abedin on the next page:
A good candidate for Guantánamo Bay… OH wait, Obama would just release her
So her Muslim friends could pick them up as arranged.
They should both be prosecuted. End of story
She should Not even be trusted to be an Aide !!
Seriously is this supposed to shock anyone??
Wow she left info in her unlocked hotel room, front seat of her car and who knows where else!?
She should be held accountable.
You are correct.
She’ll end up dead.
An invasion is underway. We are being taken over from the inside.