Michelle Obama claims that her school lunch program, created under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, as ‘healthy’ mainly because it places severe restriction on the number of sugar, fat, sodium and overall calories that kids eat.
But Mrs. Obama, not being a dietitian and apparently not consulting one either, has failed to account for other factors that actually makes for a healthy meal.
One clinical dietitian recently called out her program as not only being a huge ‘money making scheme’, but even says that it is carcinogenic.
Haters gotta hate.
Filthy POS APE
serves the poeple food dogs wouldnt eat.at same time chows down on lobsters steaks and and other high end people food
“Life’s tough. It’s tougher when you’re stupid!!” Now is that our first lady?
If her choice of food for us doesn’t give us diseases the illegals they are allowing in will. This “administration” is a complete failure and an even bigger joke!
“POS APE?!?”
“her and her two uglyians r eatn 5 star meals?!?”
“MICHAEL is not a Nutritionist! He’s a fugly DRAG QUEEN?!”
“look at the pic of “her” pigging out- disgusting?!”
“mrs obama is not our boss.”
You folks are not Christian.
she is not qualified to be a dietician
While she porks out on anything & everything. Her school lunches are not sufficient for growing children & now this.
say whatever, feed kids right
She’s as much of a failure as her husband is.