Michelle Obama touts her school lunch program, as created under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, as ‘healthy’ because it severely restricts the number of calories, sugar, fat and sodium that kids eat.
But Mrs. Obama, not being a dietitian, has failed to account for other variables that actually make for a healthy meal.
One clinical dietitian has called out her programĀ as not only being a ‘money making scheme’, but actually carcinogenic.
Michelle Obama’s school lunch program will give kids cancer, according to this expert.
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Mommy!!…look at the Wookie!!!…
Seems to me that is what they have done to America.
So is her ugly disposition.
She won’t poison his kids LMAO
the birds will not even eat the pigs slop
Who could eat after looking at her?
So is she
That is why so many schools have trashed her School Lunch Program, just like she needs to be trashed for implementing this garbage and forcing it on American kids, the Communistic Gorilla……
Michelle is very bad for the environment.