The climate change doomsayers are going to throw a fit, but it appears that their precious “scientific consensus” was based on a huge mistake.
Progressives love to point out that 99% of scientists believe in global warming, but when these same liberals are hard-pressed to explain what exactly they believe it will cause and why it’s dangerous to the human race, they can only direct skeptics to hypothetical projections that purport to show the effects of climate change. Now however, it has been found that the study which they have based these claims on has been completely misunderstood.
As Lord Christopher Monckton reports, dozens of scientists and researchers in London for an important climate change conference were amazed to learn that the data they had been basing their global warming projections had been misinterpreted to present a much more apocalyptic image than is actually the case.
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Would you rather eat fresh seal meat or from a trash heap? Polar bears are hunters…its what they do…they only scavange when theres not enough wild food to support them and thier young
The climate has been changing for millions of years nothing to do with mankind.
Yet we are told that it is Conservatives that are anti science ! Liberals only claim science when it supports their agenda. Obama says climate change is a bigger enemy than Islam terror or global war !!
Many intelligent people knew it was the greatest scam
ever .look at computer tracking of a hurricane just days away. All over the map.
The ice caps will be gone and both coasts will be under water by 2013! — Wait! — What!? — It’s 2016 and the ice caps are growing!? — Um,, NEVER MIND.
In the 1970s it was “the coming ice age” that was going to freeze us all out. Then they decided it was “global warming” that was going to roast us all. Now its “climate change”, because they can’t figure out what to call it to perpetuate the phony crisis.
So far NOT ONE prediction from the climatological profits of doom has come to pass, and Al Gore has been conspicuous by his silence for the last few years. It looks like he may have “AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH” of his own to deal with. There’s far more money and politics involved here than science. If there is any man made global warming it’s caused by all the money they are burning to perpetuate this farce.
I was told by one blogger that a piece of land equal to the size of a football field was lost to The gulf of Mexico every 15 minutes. I ran the numbers. At that rate a land mass the size of the entire state of Louisiana would be submerged every 6 days. That’s a flood of Biblical proportions! And yet the east, west, and gulf coasts remain dry.
Did you ever notice that the people who scream the loudest about “climate change” are the ones who have the biggest “carbon footprint”? Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, etc.
There’s no doubt in my mind that ‘Climate Change’ supporters have it all wrong. All I know is Al Gore got filthy rich off of a lie.
Fundamental error, my a_s, downright deceit for more Government intrusion, and another “cash “, grab.
It’s all bull$#%&!@*a another dem farst
It true !
Another big government scam.