The climate change doomsayers are going to throw a fit, but it appears that their precious “scientific consensus” was based on a huge mistake.
Progressives love to point out that 99% of scientists believe in global warming, but when these same liberals are hard-pressed to explain what exactly they believe it will cause and why it’s dangerous to the human race, they can only direct skeptics to hypothetical projections that purport to show the effects of climate change. Now however, it has been found that the study which they have based these claims on has been completely misunderstood.
As Lord Christopher Monckton reports, dozens of scientists and researchers in London for an important climate change conference were amazed to learn that the data they had been basing their global warming projections had been misinterpreted to present a much more apocalyptic image than is actually the case.
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No c**p…..
Itd called b******t
Lies and b******t
There is no such thing as climate change !!! This is a lie of the government !!
The only thing that happens is that they are spraying chemicals from airplanes, that’s what the climate change is
The goal to eliminate millions of people.,,, Why ?? Because they can and because you did not do anything to save yourself.
There is no such thing as climate change !!! This is a lie of the government !!
The only thing that happens is that they are spraying chemicals from airplanes, that’s what the climate change is
The goal to eliminate millions of people.,,, Why ?? Because they can and because you did not do anything to save yourself.
So,,,,,where did all the tax payers money go????
HAARP and Chemtrails
That is just another wicked scheme to sink funds into yet another false scam. What’s next? I’m certain Ophony will think of even another stupid idea to only benefit himself and all that’s involved in all his plots and schemes.
Yes there is climate change…it gets hot in the summer and cold in the winter, because of the 23-degree tilt of the earth’s axis…I’m still waiting for these global warming assholes to convince me it’s caused by man…Oh, sorry, it’s not called global warming now…they had to come up with another mantra to try to b******t everybody with.