Anyone who rejects the propagandized science of “climate change” aka “global warming” is, according to Yale Professor Snyder, the same as Hitler. He postulates that those in America who deny climate change might as well be killing babies, Holocaust style. (Ironic since these same individuals do kill pre-born children and sell their body parts, but that is a different atrocity altogether).
You are a Nazi, according to Snyder, if you deny climate change. I for one, need to read more on page 2. However did I not see myself as part of the Third Reich?
Think the Jewish people and the world will buy this massive lie you are now spewing, Barry???
He’s the hitler
Whew! That’s one hell of a long sentence!
As usual, a dumb Democratic proposition…
Something like the NECESSARY $5 lightbulbs that are poisonous when broken…..
anyone who agrees IS HITLER
There is definitely Climate change……….it is called Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter……….or The Seasons!!!!!!! Sometimes they vary a little but checking back 75 years…….they are fairly constant!!!!!!! Oh and Obama does not control them………God does!!!!!!
I think you’ve got this backwards. Obama is making$#%&!@*look better and better. At least$#%&!@*was transparent.
In the 70’s the scientists said we were heading for another ice age Money controls science
Ovomit needs to look in the mirror. He is a spitting image of$#%&!@* only he’s a black liberturd democrap.