Anyone who rejects the propagandized science of “climate change” aka “global warming” is, according to Yale Professor Snyder, the same as Hitler. He postulates that those in America who deny climate change might as well be killing babies, Holocaust style. (Ironic since these same individuals do kill pre-born children and sell their body parts, but that is a different atrocity altogether).
You are a Nazi, according to Snyder, if you deny climate change. I for one, need to read more on page 2. However did I not see myself as part of the Third Reich?
oh pulease
It’s called weather!
from what ive gatherd its the 200 year cycle of the sun. but they have to much invested into this global warming lie to admit it
What it is a large spear coming through our solar system which affects weather pattern which God has used before and is using again, just as God uses nature in judgement to call for repentance to a nation a people and the earth look at CA which is becoming a waste land which will be neither fit for human or animal as it runs out of water and the other things suck as fires and this is a sign to America if you do not repent and turn from your wickedness watch what else will come to you America, for even in judgement there is mercy?
Anybody who believes climate change is a idiot….it’s a LIE….
I knew all$#%&!@* Butnobama…you won’t win this time. Got your number..moron
Man-made climate change is a hoax for profit.
WHEN WAS THE … >>> DEBATE <<< ... IT HAS NEVER HAPPENED ... Global Climate Change ... Has Nothing to do with the CLIMATE ... ITS ABOUT A LEFTIST TAXATION SCHEME ... TO RE-DISTRIBUTE WORLD WEALTH ... TIME FOR THE BIG ... >>> DEBATE <<< ... DUH ...
Vermont in a Nutshell
This President is a bad joke.