Anyone who rejects the propagandized science of “climate change” aka “global warming” is, according to Yale Professor Snyder, the same as Hitler. He postulates that those in America who deny climate change might as well be killing babies, Holocaust style. (Ironic since these same individuals do kill pre-born children and sell their body parts, but that is a different atrocity altogether).
You are a Nazi, according to Snyder, if you deny climate change. I for one, need to read more on page 2. However did I not see myself as part of the Third Reich?
There is no such thing as progress under Obama’s regime. The most corrupt administration ever in the history of this country
Steve Allen. We are at 400 ppm for carbon dioxide. During the Cambrian Period it was over 7,000 ppm for carbon dioxide. 42.5 times thicker. The temperature was slightly warmer. The weather mild and much more stable than today
It will take us thousands of years to reach that point and even then it will not be that bad.
They do have alot in common!!!
Just impeach Obama today.
These two have made a lot of the same mmoves politically !
Climates have ALWAYS changed!
blame and hocus pokus, you is gone.
Pr Snyder is an idiot!
Just another Ivy League liberal shouting down his lunacy from his ivory tower.
Who gives a c**p.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Climate change is BS