Anyone who rejects the propagandized science of “climate change” aka “global warming” is, according to Yale Professor Snyder, the same as Hitler. He postulates that those in America who deny climate change might as well be killing babies, Holocaust style. (Ironic since these same individuals do kill pre-born children and sell their body parts, but that is a different atrocity altogether).
You are a Nazi, according to Snyder, if you deny climate change. I for one, need to read more on page 2. However did I not see myself as part of the Third Reich?
they could be twins
Hey he looks just like$#%&!@*and acts just like him.$#%&!@*and muslim. Satan’s sons notice$#%&!@*ism.’t here any longer.
hitler sucks almost as bad as obama
Nothing worst than a lying gay muslim
Every man woman and child on earth can stand shoulder to shoulder on the island of Maui and they expect us to believe humans can change the weather on earth.
Hitler used gas nobama uses muslim terrorists
Wow scarey resemblence.
Ol’ Adolph, extreme right wing communist hating right winger who used the big bankers to gain power and became the monster dictator. Now we start by tromping on voting rights. Reckon we are heading that way again ?
the Planned Parenthood baby killers are more like$#%&!@*killing babies than the false climate religion
Liberals always lie and then blame the other side. Liberalism is mental illness.