Anyone who rejects the propagandized science of “climate change” aka “global warming” is, according to Yale Professor Snyder, the same as Hitler. He postulates that those in America who deny climate change might as well be killing babies, Holocaust style. (Ironic since these same individuals do kill pre-born children and sell their body parts, but that is a different atrocity altogether).
You are a Nazi, according to Snyder, if you deny climate change. I for one, need to read more on page 2. However did I not see myself as part of the Third Reich?
As an American hispanic, I’m tired of how all of these coward racist liberals that hate America like Obama, Clinton, and their supporters are trying to turn this great country into a 3rd world one. Unfortunately, one of the biggest problems we have right now is the media and entertainment that are always trying to tell us how to think. They have created enough imbeciles that would re-elect a failure like Obama. Even more, I’m supposed to bow down to anti-American Obama, love liberal policies no matter how destructive they are, love bigger enslaving government, and be in favor of illegal immigration because of the color of my skin… disgusting. That’s why I and others created “Chepo Team”, the first true pro-America, comic strip. Please support our cause by liking our facebook page . Thank you
I always find it laughable what liberals try to do to those who have a differing opinion from theirs…seems name calling and tantrums are all they can come up with
No those that claim climate change are as bad as$#%&!@*making false claims based on lies and fraud, even some of the climate change scientists got got red handed putting fixed fraud numbers in the computer modals to show the lie of climate change, that is not much different then what$#%&!@*did telling lies so long that the Jew where not real people so that the Germans could gas them with no remorse being they believed them to be less then human??
Those who claim clinate change caused by humans ARE$#%&!@*s followers.
STFU about$#%&!@*already. It gets really boring and stupid.
Hitler was a racist, not at all friendly toward blacks. Obama would have been Gestapo bait.
Obama is doing his damnedest to be the first African Muslim President. While defunding American’s so he can support his new country Criminals.
Climate change is part of the earths cycle.It’s possibly what killed off the dinosaurs.I could be wrong.If it’s caused by factories and automobiles,the only thing we can do is outlaw all that and go back to the 1800s.