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The gentle reader will recall the “Al-Gorish” plan by climate alarmists to have genuine scientists imprisoned for their ‘global warming’ skepticism. Well, that master plan is backfiring horribly, and the chief alarmist is now facing a House investigation into what has been called “the largest science scandal in US history.”
Yes, you can hear the church bells pealing in across the landscape at the joyful news. More good news on the next page:
Slush fund for the elites…
Brawndo’s got electrolytes! It’s what plants crave.
Like Fukushima fallout , it’s traveling thru the airstream and it’s in the ocean in high levels but they worry instead over this global warming scam.
Global warming has always been a farce! Money! Weather is cyclical! Leftist NUM NUMS!
They should all be arrested and prosecuted for the fraud and manipulating the millions of dollars away from Americans.
We need some melting glaciers to produce tsunamis and hurricanes. What God made is still available–just in a different place than might be expected.
No actually we are supposed to be reaching the crest of a warming climate. So far we are following patterns very close to the last glacier cycle
You’re as stupid as your comment
Barry’s agenda
this is just one of the many lies trying to scare people into submission