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The gentle reader will recall the “Al-Gorish” plan by climate alarmists to have genuine scientists imprisoned for their ‘global warming’ skepticism. Well, that master plan is backfiring horribly, and the chief alarmist is now facing a House investigation into what has been called “the largest science scandal in US history.”
Yes, you can hear the church bells pealing in across the landscape at the joyful news. More good news on the next page:
Charles has been into way to much of Soros’s propaganda. And nobody can twist the facts better than the progressives/Democrates.
Global warming is a trillion and a half million dollar industry
The man who created “The Weather Channel” sold the business because he was disgusted with the constant lies and false stories being spread by the employees. He said everyone was “bought and paid for” !!
Climate change is a lie.
Global warming is a lie.
It is called weather.
Scams to levy more taxes and devour American tax dollars for personal use. (Sound familiar?)
Simply ignoring the facts to further a political agenda.
When he is convicted of fraud , everyone that has gotten money from the grants should be sued for our money .
Hope Al Gore sees this…..
Can you send a copy to the Wall Street Journal?
Global warming is nothing but a hugh scam !!! Those who believe it are as loony as the scientists that believe in GW !!! Weather happens and is never the same !!! GET A GRIP ON REALITY NOT FICTION !!! L.P.B.
omg obama lied again lol