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The gentle reader will recall the “Al-Gorish” plan by climate alarmists to have genuine scientists imprisoned for their ‘global warming’ skepticism. Well, that master plan is backfiring horribly, and the chief alarmist is now facing a House investigation into what has been called “the largest science scandal in US history.”
Yes, you can hear the church bells pealing in across the landscape at the joyful news. More good news on the next page:
This administration is destroying America it is built on nothing but lies.
They just murder them.
What grinds my gears is the selective information that propagates an agenda. Like is happening with global warming.
You have to be a really big clown to believe everything your gov tells you. Geoengineering patents, look them up.
More political corruption with the global warming scam.
The stick in al gores azz is rotten to the core.
Telling the truth not high on this groups list . Gore and Clinton ??
Becuase being convinced you should use resources more wisely,use less and care for the earth so our grandkids can enjoy the beauty as well has got to be a scam. So go ahead keep spending like there are no worries, convince yourself this is the ONE thing the government wouldn’t dare lie about.
Some real stupid comments on here. I hope the people making them aren’t really that deficient.
You should investigate these questions before putting the forward.