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The gentle reader will recall the “Al-Gorish” plan by climate alarmists to have genuine scientists imprisoned for their ‘global warming’ skepticism. Well, that master plan is backfiring horribly, and the chief alarmist is now facing a House investigation into what has been called “the largest science scandal in US history.”
Yes, you can hear the church bells pealing in across the landscape at the joyful news. More good news on the next page:
So, what ELSE is NEW?
Junk science by leftist elitists
Most of Commiefornia is full Liberal rich Envioronmentalist Crack pots putting out on a dally basis poisonous propaganda and lies. These are the same Marxist from San Francisco,Commiefornia that gave us Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein and the Sanctuary City, Sanctuary State of Commiefornia.
as always follow the money.
Hope he shares a cell with algore.
It makes me wonder where they get their phoney global warming pictures!!!!
The right is defeated and fallen..Now the left is going down for their lies,deceits,and mass murders for Wars,slavery,and profits,Ironic poetic Justice…
Ceaser Peezer Couldn’t have said it any better. They feel though they are doing the world a favor, pat each other on the back, honor each other and will never think any differently of themselves.