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The gentle reader will recall the “Al-Gorish” plan by climate alarmists to have genuine scientists imprisoned for their ‘global warming’ skepticism. Well, that master plan is backfiring horribly, and the chief alarmist is now facing a House investigation into what has been called “the largest science scandal in US history.”
Yes, you can hear the church bells pealing in across the landscape at the joyful news. More good news on the next page:
Sigrid Anderson
I’ve NEVER believed in the lie of global warming! The climate has always been changing and always will be. That’s how God designed it. They think we are a bunch of “Homer Simpson’s” and will believe anything. They’ve said as much. That’s how they steal our rights. Wake up America!
And I quote,,”” Top US scientist Hal Lewis resigned from his post at the University of California after admitting that global warming was a big scam, in a shocking resignation letter. “”
Doug Monroe
I live in Alaska. Climate change is real. You have to be willfully ignorant to look what’s happening in the world and to deny it
Chris, most all of us live pretty much in only one place. What’s happening where you live is in many case the exact opposite of what is happening elsewhere.
Beyond that, NO-ONE has said that climate change is not real. They have said it is natural, & has been going on for Billions of years. Earth was once a snowball. It will be one again.
Human activity has affected the
There is a HAARP antennae array near you..Research and learn what this array is capable of and WHY IT IS BEING USED !!
Hal Lewis is a sellout.
Algore’s consolation prize for losing the election to Bush was to be allowed to perpetuate this hoax, which netted him millions.