Following a an 18-month investigation by the Justice Department, who issued a scathing report accusing Cleveland police of a large pattern of excessive force and other abuses by police, the city of Cleveland and the DOJ have announced that a ‘settlement’ has been reached.
This ‘agreement’ is admittedly a framework for the nationalization of all local law enforcement….
An illegal move by Obama. City should privatize their police force.
another gov. controll
Stupid Liberals and democrats
This is illegal! Where the hell is the governor on this??! Don’t comply! This means war!!
Ee msu hsve no choice they wsnt her in she will be president they rig it all just like the re election on obama look st turnouts fir Trump an Clinton but shes in ladt couple days 10 pointd over him hmmm! “??
If the DOJ won’t indicate Hillary, what makes you think the rule of law mean anything to them?
I think this is a slippery slope and once you go down the rabbit hole it all over. The government doesn’t do anything well and I mean nothing name one program they over see that is ran well. I’ll wait!!!!
A federal police force can be dictaed by the U.N or NATO and enforced by them…. WAKE UP we are loosing our country…
ep the Federal Government pout of Our local police departments
More Obama BS, they did a fine job of controlling the protestors during the convention and that’s the reason that now Obama went after that city. People wake up vote in the general to stop this before it goes to far. Federal government is to big.