Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke called out Obama senior advisor Valerie Jarrett and other administration officials who recently met with members of the violent, anti-police Black Lives Matter group to “criminal justice reform.”
Milwaukee County Sheriff: “This is the bastard child of the ‘Hands up don’t shoot’ movement. When it was revealed that Michael Brown never had his hands up, nor was he walking away from Officer Darren Wilson, they knew that lie wouldn’t hold so they renamed the group.”
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enough with the racism there r other colors that matter too………….amen
Thank you Mr. Clark, for judging people for their character, and not siding with someone just for their color.
Really like this man he is a true Patriot. Clark.
It’s funny, the same underachievers are wearing uniforms……
Aha, I swear folks are quick to tear down black groups but on hush mouth about the kkk
I really see hope every time this man stands up for the citizen of this country.
The KKK is just as bad and nothing but a worthless hate group just like the black panthers . I don’t defend them and if they shoot cops then kill them just as DEAD as a black man . Not everyone with light or white skin is a racist. And not everyone with dark skin is a racist . What group are you in???
The Black Panthers are not racist aha, that’s not even the correct term to be used.. The black panthers are here to combat the police brutality and injustice done to us by the same people who are suppose to uphold the law.. But if the choice was given to me, I’m a Black Panther duh
if black lives matter ..why are the black women killing their unborn babies?
But it true not enouf people tell you thank you