Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke called out Obama senior advisor Valerie Jarrett and other administration officials who recently met with members of the violent, anti-police Black Lives Matter group to “criminal justice reform.”
Milwaukee County Sheriff: “This is the bastard child of the ‘Hands up don’t shoot’ movement. When it was revealed that Michael Brown never had his hands up, nor was he walking away from Officer Darren Wilson, they knew that lie wouldn’t hold so they renamed the group.”
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peshaw! Facts?! Who cares about facts when we have the brain dead walking around?
Thank you for your service God Bless All of you
Someone has to speak up! It’s about time!
When we met with our Governor (The Republic of Texas) there were two officers there, and as usual, I went up and shook their hands, told them they had my total support. and look when is happening when all of the white clear out of every one of the progressive Leftist cities held for over 100 yrs. and they want that for us? I don’t think so. Proved Obama wrong, which isn’t hard to do, when you take the guns away from honest people, then only the criminals will have guns. 49 murders in one week. black on black crime, so black lives matter huh? to whom? Blacks destroy their own neighborhoods, they break and loot their own people’s businesses, and when the police do not want anything to do with them anymore, they start murdering each other. I say put a cage around those cities and let them at it. P. Kathy Kleiman
Fat lives matter
Clark has more guts then all of our representatives in Washington put together
he should be in charge of DOJ or one of those positions
Nice job Officer Clarke! Hands down to u was very good with the facts!
BLM is a domestic terrorist group.