Operators of the Nash Farm Battlefield Museum in Hampton, Georgia, have decided to close the five-year old Civil War museum after a Henry County commissioner demanded removal of Confederate artifacts.
The museum has been run by a nonprofit organization to commemorate the site of an August 1864 battle in the American Civil War. It’s been housed in a historic building in what has been a Henry County park.
Commissioner Dee Clemmons, an African-American woman, began her demands on the museum with a request to remove a Confederate flag displayed on a flagpole.
Learn more about this attempt to rewrite or erase American history and why museum operators decided to close down. Details are on the next page.
the Civil War stopped slavery. Maybe these blacks really wanted to be slaves. Well, the way the country is going with the progressives they are getting their chance again.
She needs to shave that “white” person hair off and GO FRO.
At this point we are going to repent history if this kind of c**p keeps happening,I day fire her
This is the first person I have heard of calling for Confederate flags ect to be removed from a museums. That is where they belong. All people wanted was the “Confederate ” flag removed from government property.It is not clear if this building was on government property or private. If it was private they should be suing her for taking away their 1st Amendment Right.(forcing them to take down the flag) . If it was government property ,the flag should come down but the museum remain as what goes on inside a rented space is the renters business (private property ) just as a home renter . So they can probably sue her for violating their 1st Amendment there too. By the way,I’m a Liberal and this is how every Liberal I know feels.
She has totally ignored history in that many freed slaves fought for the South and that some of the meanest and cruelest slave owners were freed black slaves themselves and they were the meanest and cruelest slave owners.
Slavery was wrong then and is wrong now, you can’t eraser history, you must build on it so you don’t make the same mistakes.
Oh, one other thought! What does she think about historical facts the state tribal chiefs in Africa SOLD their young men to be slaves. Not hearsay just facts.
If this isn’t biggest bunch of b******t I’ve ever heard..u can’t change history, it happened…blacks fought on both sides..you cannot change that..so people are so dumb,,if we destroy history it will surely be repeated… so leave it alone and let the cry babies cry.
Clemmons, you are one sick and mentally ill person, not worthy of citizenship and a product of the History of the United States of America, with all of it’s bruises, warts, stars and stripes. You are another blemish on our strength, determination to survive. . . . and here is hope you disappear into the far away horizon as you contribute nothing to the United States Of America and it’s history.
Thank you Larry for your comments, I agree! Are country is in real trouble ! Obama gave so many things and one being racist in the basic form !
It would appear to this Yankee that Commissioner Dee Clemmons, is a racist or against historical efforts, at the very least!
Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it…. The first thing that Muslims, nazis and communists do is to remove history