Are we not on the precipice of civil war? We have leftist DOJ employees doxxing prominent conservatives using government computers on one side and extremists openly plotting their assassinations with kill teams on social media. Should these wackos actually commence operations we could very well see a match set to tinder.
The full extent of the planned violence and mass executions becomes apparent when you see what’s being openly discussed on Twitter. Writer Debra Heine has uncovered truly shocking details that she describes in a September 27th article on PJ Media. It begins:
Communist agitators took to Twitter this week to brainstorm strategies for a violent armed insurrection against their perceived enemies.
“Dr. Bones,” the co-host of the far-left podcast The Guillotine, started the conversation going with his 5,000-plus Twitter followers. Bones (@Ole_Bonsey on Twitter) asked: “Hey quick little question for military minded lefties: should leftists train/organize in a ‘insurgent’ focus where they blend into a civilian population for potential attacks or a more ‘militia’ structure focused on holding/maintaining turf?”
As PJ Media reports, this left-wing group, with over 15,000 Facebook followers, calls for “ambushes and assassinations” against conservatives. The two hosts go by the handles @Ole_Bonsey and @DeadIrishRebe. As PJ Media explains, “the pair seem to be huge fans of mass-murdering Communist dictators and “revolutionaries” like Mao Zedong and Che Guevera.”
Here are some of the suggestions from “Dr. Bones,” the apparent leader of the left-wing group now calling for execution squads to murder prominent conservatives:
“Organize as hidden cells, unknown even to the population… bleed them dry once they take control.”
“Instead of a full size AR which is pretty goddamn obvious I’m thinking having people prioritize compact and easily concealable platforms, something you could keep under a jacket and never tip any one off to.”
An apparent follower of the radical left-wing group, @The_Einzige adds:
“Having a common language and tactics is unbelievably important in future situations where your 5 person cell has an opportunity for a big kill and can group up with 4 other cells to get the needed firepower.”
Another member of the group, going by the handle @Bored_Anterieur, adds:
“Like a boyscout, be prepared:
Pistol-caliber SBR
Rifle-caliber SBR
AR15 / AK47
with this, you’re prepared for a very wide range of tactical scenarios. different loadouts for different members of squad will provide flexibility for specific applications of force”
Another user, named @MutualRevolt, chimes in about the terror cell structure that Leftists will adopt to carry out maximum violence and carnage:
“…the less information one person has on EVERYONE in the group defends against one person being caught and spilling everything on the network. A network of distributed/only necessary information/ gives more flexibility and safety to the movements to disrupt.”
Another user, going by the handle “Captain Howdy” (@jackherer20) has been covered by PJ Media before. As PJ Media reports:
@JackHerer20 (Captain Howdy) is a particularly nasty St. Louis antifa who has been featured at PJ Media and Far Left Watch before. In January of 2018, he encouraged his followers to dox GOP officials and show up at their homes. He also offered to pay someone to assassinate President Trump. Incredibly, he still maintains a Twitter account.
Anti-Trump “resistors” inside the DOJ use government computers to find and share home addresses of conservatives
PJ Media also correctly points out that a recent Project Veritas video caught a DOJ “resistance” employee admitted to using government computers to discover and share the license plates and home addresses of targeted conservatives. This means that left-wing operatives inside the DOJ, FBI and other anti-Trump organizations are using government resources to set up conservatives for left-wing kill teams.
The DOJ employee caught on tape is named Allison Hraber. She’s a member of the so-called “Democratic Socialists of America,” a radical left-wing terrorist group with strong ties to Marxist and Communist ideologies. She used government resources to discover the home address of a conservative Trump supporter, then “doxxed” that information to her DSA conspirators who waged a stalking episode at the personal home of the target in order to intimidate that person. It won’t be long before this escalates to sending “kill teams” to such homes to carry out murder plots and political assassinations.
My warning for all conservatives is that it won’t be long before conservative Supreme Court justices like Brett Kavanaugh are targeted for political assassinations by the radical left-wing kill teams. They openly talk about such plans, and they are clearly driven to mass mental illness by a complicit, anti-America media cartel that continues to indoctrinate left-wing masses with hatred and lies about America and its political leaders.
Source: Natural News
Absolutely despicable behavior. Maxine should be hung for treason against members of our Congress. These people are insane. No doubt we are being prepped for “The new world order” headed by the antichrist. Assume control, make everyone everywhere known for
Our beliefs, our monetary status, and our whereabouts. 24 hour round the clock monitoring. Leftists(elitists) will become pawns to the devil himself. Im glad Jesus is coming to put an end to all of these atrocities.
Bring it.
I believe it’s time we take control of this matter and start rounding these folks up!!! If we cannot get our government to start enforcing the laws on the books that protect the Americans from these acts from both activists and radical governments then we better be prepared to protect ourselves!!!
Were is the local authority?? They got there head stuck in the ground like in astrige so there not looking what is going on?
DOJ is still trying to set up a coup? Time to clean house.
He will say anything that will benefits his own financial interests. He’s heavily invested In pharmaceutical patents so it’s all about money to him. It should be a huge conflict of interest but because he’s so heavily involved with our government he gets away with it!!!! He puts his own financial gain before for the health of the people! He should no longer be a Director of NIAID!