Gun control advocates such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton say they only want “common sense” laws that will decrease gun related injuries or deaths, but quite simply, they lie. They will also twist laws and and statutes in ways that have the same effect as outright confiscation by making it either too expensive or too restrictive for law-abiding citizens to buy and own guns for their own self-protection.
That is an outrage since it is not in the preview of any government official to suspend or diminish the constitutional rights of American citizens without cause.
The latest example of this tyrannical overreach comes from Lowell, Massachusetts where a new firearms policy has been put into place by the Police Superintendent William Taylor and the city council.
And of course, the policy will be impossible to remove unless city officials are either voted out of office or the citizens undertake a lengthy and expensive lawsuit to recover the rights they have through the 2nd amendment, the violation of which the superintendent and city council should be well aware of.
Policy makes gun ownership impossible, page 2:
Emmanuel Olague another favorite of mine.
Except that the Supreme Court has said that “rights belong to the belligerent claimant IN PERSON”. Yes, Judicial Watch does great work, but only you can claim your rights. If it were otherwise there would be constitutional lawyers everywhere.
All that is necessary to understand the rabid efforts to disarm law-abiding American citizen gun owners is to realize that liberal gun control efforts have nothing to do with child safety, nothing to do with public safety, nothing to do with safety of anybody, or anything of the kind. Liberal gun control is about one thing, and one thing only. That one thing is the liberal/socialist’s need to disarm those who would resist, thus impede, their ability to implement the socialist, centralized, big government, cradle to grave, control of people, who, in the liberal elite’s opinion, are not smart enough to make the important decisions necessary to take care of themselves. The only thing preventing obama (and ilk), from imposing their vision of the socialist, sunshine, unicorn, butterfly, and rainbow utopia upon America is that they have been unable to disarm 150-200 million Americans of some many more millions of firearms. Additionally, neither have these socialist elites been successful at dissuading these 150-200 million law-abiding, citizen, firearm owning citizens from standing/fighting/dying for the principles in which they believe.
Black market
Hmmmm…The 2nd Amendment says nothing about a letter of recommendation, or having to write an essay…I’d take this one all the way to the supreme court.
I am sure the city council i
I don’t need any polititians permission.