Bread and circuses are often enough to distract the masses from the more serious shortcomings of government. And so it is that the pandering to Black Lives Matter and politically correct college student demonstrators serve to help them forget that they are poorly educated, poorly served and just plain poor.
In the city of New Orleans, with so many other more important issues, the city council has voted to remove statues of Confederate civil war heroes in order to placate loud mouthed whiners who are “offended” by the statues, rather than deal with the real problems the city faces.
The monuments are of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, P.G.T. Beauregard, and the Battle of Liberty Place. They mark historical figures and events that cannot be erased. The city council voted 6 – 1 for their removal, and declared them public nuisances.
It is estimated that removal will cost $170,000, and all of the arguments made by groups hoping to keep the monuments in place were judged by the city council to be “frivolous,” “entirely without merit,” or “made no sense.” One wonders about other moments in history that various segments of society will find offensive and move to have them erased.
Who is paying for monument removal, page 2:
Sue them
Removing our history is an abomination. Leave our monuments and history intact. We will never add Islamic takeover and removing those statues are an affront to Americans who fought and died to make us free. Stop tampering with our history because he cannot make it go away. This is equal to Dumbama ignoring the constitution. These are traitorous acts and need to be stopped now.
This my friends is not a good thing happening today
You can move them but you can’t take away HISTORY! Know your history people and teach your children so they never forget!!
You Have Got To Be Kidding Me. Wonder who Genius Idea this is Contributed to. Like these other People say on Hee This is History Whether They Like it Or Not. What’sNext The “Sttatue of Liberty???
WHAT!!! The government again defies the people!! Time for another Civil War!!
This is sick
You know it doesn’t matter what the libtards do they can’t take it out of the peoples hearts. Take them out them in a private citizens property where everyone can see them and advertise all libtards and people who don’t like it kiss all rebel asses
PROBLEM caused by radical ISLAM disease all black lives matter have it.