The city of Cape Coral, FL recently ordered employee Jeff Verzi from Family Hardware to take down the 1 foot tall American flags he had place on the store’s property.
Verzi was honoring 6 family members who served in the military.
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This is getting beyond $#%&!@*en ridiculous!. Makes me angry as hell.
Keep it up its your hardware store not there.
it is unfair
This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA keep the flag up
What is that all about , this is America.
I support you Family Hardware don’t take down your flags. the City of Cape Coral has a lot of my money but no more. I will first your hardware store and buy something. Please don’t give in to these anti-American people.
Tell em ta suck communist dick.
Better yet take your flag turn it upside down this represents a country in distress. That’s exactly what America is under distress.
Tell Cape Coral to go to hell with the rest of the muzzy’ and atheists.