The city of Cape Coral, FL recently ordered employee Jeff Verzi from Family Hardware to take down the 1 foot tall American flags he had place on the store’s property.
Verzi was honoring 6 family members who served in the military.
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Stupid son of a bitches. . .burn in Hell!!!! For I am an American & i will fly my flag & stand by my flag. Amen
Tell them to GTH…NOW.
What’s wrong with FL? How stupid! Just say NO!
Tell them to forget it. If they do not like that, they can call the muslim barry.
Never will happen at my house I fly the flag all year long I have banners on my porch with the flag flying high
Tell him to go to HELL a lot of men died for that Flag !!!!
no way i wouldnt do it
Making room for Obama’s new flag correction Americas new flag
If they remove the flag what is this what kind of country is this