The city of Cape Coral, FL recently ordered employee Jeff Verzi from Family Hardware to take down the 1 foot tall American flags he had place on the store’s property.
Verzi was honoring 6 family members who served in the military.
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how can the government do this, so tired of all these losers in power now, stand your ground and keep flying, now remember to vote all these $#%&!@*s out of office
Tell the city to relocate to South America
The American Flag in a certain size is exempt from local codes….
Tell the city to go to hell!Stand up and fight for your rights people,This is America
Screw them Cape Coral has turn into a filthy muslim town. Kick thd POS mayor out.
stand up and tell them NO!
This is bull c**p!
whoever was on the city commitee would be out on their ass by the next election
I love it when the American people stand shoulder to shoulder on such A ridiculous order.
do not comply you have the right to fly old glory any dam time you wish some dam ass hole dont like it then they dont got look at it, this is still america isnt it?