The city of Cape Coral, FL recently ordered employee Jeff Verzi from Family Hardware to take down the 1 foot tall American flags he had place on the store’s property.
Verzi was honoring 6 family members who served in the military.
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I dunno but this is America and our Country and we need to take it back .
Who the hell are these people who are trying to remove our Flags???? I think they should be arrested for Treason!!!!!
This is not freedom…
Oh we CAN do something about it: kill him.
Now, I’m not suggesting murder. I’m suggesting finding state affirmative defense statutes that would make his killing lawful.
For example, in Washington one can use deadly force against one committing a felony, and aiding illegals is a felony.
I’m sure a good lawyer could identify a specific circumstance that was likely and where killing him would be legal.
Obviously don’t take my analysis as legal advise but as an avenue to explore with competent legal advise.
This guy has great company. If you drive by his store right now you’ll find bikers, retirees, businessmen, moms, kids you name it standing out there with flags. The community came together for this man. ♥
Boycott Cape Coral Florida ! All Veterans and legal American citizens do not travel to Cape Coral Florida, do not shop there , do not stay in a hotel there, do not use any of their services. What you can do if you travel through Cape Coral is stop at the Family Hardware Store and buy something in support of their salute to our great country God Bless America!
They better not say I can’t fly the flag is all I have to say that dog won’t hunt