The city of Cape Coral, FL recently ordered employee Jeff Verzi from Family Hardware to take down the 1 foot tall American flags he had place on the store’s property.
Verzi was honoring 6 family members who served in the military.
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Time to take America back from the crazies!!!!
Call For Union of America Militia! Before it is to late. Let us give them the White way…. (Get out of America Obama!) Take the Evil ones with you!
Time to go gun shopping.
What the Phuk is wrong with these d@mn leftwing libeRATS/democRATS?!?! STUPID ILLITERATE IDIOTS!!! THIS IS AMERICA & ANYONE HERE KNOWS IT!
It’s our flag so just leave us alone I will fly my flag whenever I want
Cape Coral city officials……………KISS MY AMERICAN ASS.
Time to recall and remove some city officials
We need to do sorta like McDonalds does…you all know where they say over 2 billion served ( 1.9 billion not happy) WELL we need to put AMERICAN FLAG UP and over 2 million DIED to keep her flying…
that’s our flag keep flyng it to h–l with them fly it high
So what flag they want americans to fly since this is America, the ISIS Flag? Obama must be arrested with Pelosi, the other race bitters and terrorists in the white house.