The city of Cape Coral, FL recently ordered employee Jeff Verzi from Family Hardware to take down the 1 foot tall American flags he had place on the store’s property.
Verzi was honoring 6 family members who served in the military.
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tell Florida city officials to shove it.
Tell the city to F**k off
That’s anti American!!!
What flag would they like him to fly? This is still America isnt it?
What he is holding is the Mark of the Beast—-if he is not the antichrist he is paving the way for him….GET READY THINGS ARE GOING TO GET REALLY UGLY HERE IN THE US….
Shame on the city!
We need to declare a NATIONAL AMERICAN FLAG DAY and everyone fly their flags in defiance of the Marxists/Muslim sympathizers that are attempting to subvert the American Public. Don’t expect the federal government to sponsor it, we need to do it ourselves!
Good idea for Tea Party groups to organize a Display Flag Day
NO WAY!!!!
Things are going crazy! This is America where we should honor our frag!