The city of Cape Coral, FL recently ordered employee Jeff Verzi from Family Hardware to take down the 1 foot tall American flags he had place on the store’s property.
Verzi was honoring 6 family members who served in the military.
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He’ll no
No way
no way this is still our country
I sure wouldn’t shop in that place ever again, what the hell is the matter with the owners of that store, they must be Muslims
if you remove it your a coward stand up for you flag and country
fly them from on topof the building……problem solved
I agree Barbara……probably Muslim!!! SMH
Don’t do it. Don’t give in to them. Fight them. Everyone in Cape Coral, FL. go to this mans store carrying flags and protest. We have to have each others backs.
Fly your flag! This is America!!!!!!!!
next time the vote came around good bye you stupid pieces of c**p in office you would be gone gone gone ….