The city of Cape Coral, FL recently ordered employee Jeff Verzi from Family Hardware to take down the 1 foot tall American flags he had place on the store’s property.
Verzi was honoring 6 family members who served in the military.
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it’s called WEAKNESS and it opens the door for anyone to walk in and start telling you that things offend them and your weak ass has to bow to down…wake up America, it’s almost too late. choose your values and only let people in, that support them, not that want to change them
How dare anyone make you take down the American flag its time to get rid of our communist president and all his croanies
screw them. this is America. you have the right too voice your patriotism.
.On the issue of flying the American flag. The problem is not the one who gives the orders, but the ones who obey them !!!
I’ve been getting more and more angry reading certain judgemental opinions. Both parents have the genes for sickle cell amenia, they are obviously aware of what this could mean for any potential children they had after finding this out, yet so many women on here and just making sweeping judgements without really giving it much thought. I’m 35, in 2011 when I was 32, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Within 17 months of my diagnosis, my MS became very aggressive, I’m not well enough to work, I’ve had 1 night out with friends this year and not had an alcoholic drink in over a year, because of the amount of medications I’m on for the muscle pain, nerve pain, extreme fatigue, chronic headaches, the list goes on……I’ve made a conscious choice to not have children, for 2 reasons, while MS seems to calm down during pregnancy, it’s very common for the new mother to experience a relapse within 3-4 months of giving birth. Any MS relapse can have a catastrophic affect on the body, leaving permanent disabilities that may or may improve. I’m not sure mentally I could cope, waiting for that relapse. But my main reason, and it’s my personal thoughts on the matter, if someone else was in my shoes and made a different choice, then fine. But knowing how badly I’m already affected only 3 years after my diagnosis, what sort of life would my child have?? I can’t even get up some days til the afternoon, I’m too tired to walk far or stand for long. My child wouldn’t have a mother in the sense I think a mother should be like and I don’t want my child to have to look after me! So to the ladies making judgement calls on this lady who made a decision for medical reasons, I ask u, are u thinking the same about me? U make this woman sound like a monster, so do I fall under the same category? Am I not a ‘proper’ woman because i don’t and will not have children??
Fly the American Flag any ways.
leave the flag where it is and put up 50 more