Following the horrific murder of four Marines in Chattanooga, armed, patriotic Americans are standing guard at military recruitment centers, that are, by law, “gun free zones.”
Due to the failings of the feds, our own Marines are made sitting ducks at these centers that by their very nature are supposed to remain easily accessible.
One can’t think of a more ridiculous scenario than civilians having to protect the military because Obama won’t act to protect our nation’s finest.
This is what I was referring to: President H.W. Bush Enacted Military Base Gun Regulations In 1992, A Year Before Clinton Took Office. As The New Republic explained, a 1992 Department of Defense directive established the rules limiting firearms on military bases to “qualified personnel,” issued under former President George H.W. Bush and Secretary of Defense $#%&!@* Cheney:
[T]he impetus for the Army regulation was, in turn, Department of Defense directive 5210.56, which was issued on February 25, 1992, and was considered “effective immediately” for the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. Clinton, of course, did not take office until January 20, 1993. So if we’re going to blame a former president for a m$#%&!@* murder … see how ridiculous this all is?
What’s more, that directive–signed by Donald J. Atwood, George H. W. Bush’s deputy secretary of defense–was by no means a “ban” on firearms at military installations. It explicitly authorizes DOD personnel “to carry firearms while engaged in law enforcement or security duties, protecting personnel, vital Government $#%&!@*ets, or guarding prisoners,” and simply aims to “limit and control the carrying of firearms by DoD military and civilian personnel. [The New Republic, 11/17/13]
Good we need to help
The UN runs the military.. No honor in serving the cabal…
Neither has the citizens…. We are all guilty of it.
Just how DAVID JACKSON put it..
You’re a liar
Citizens still allow the politicians to be in office and take control… And still allow them to push their agenda. Fingers can be pointed in both directions, there was a reason for the 2nd amendment and we are all scared of a few hundred politicians. Unfortunately that is how it will always be until we stand united. But we all know in this day and age it won’t happen.
Did anyone ever think they would see a time when private citizens would stand guard for our military, the finest military in the world?
Great job!
The Second Shot Heard Round The World is inevitable……Remember Lexington and Concord!