Following the horrific murder of four Marines in Chattanooga, armed, patriotic Americans are standing guard at military recruitment centers, that are, by law, “gun free zones.”
Due to the failings of the feds, our own Marines are made sitting ducks at these centers that by their very nature are supposed to remain easily accessible.
One can’t think of a more ridiculous scenario than civilians having to protect the military because Obama won’t act to protect our nation’s finest.
God bless you! Your service is appreciated!
Thank you for helping me sleep better at night!
the president doesn’t have the spine to do it.
What Screwed up country we live in.
who’s the Idiot, the ones standing back letting this happen to American’s, no matter what race.
Why wont we ignore Obama and just protect this America Let It Be like the 50’s
cause obama is in charge and he dont care about AMERICA
Hooray for our American gun toters standing & protecting our Military! If there were an office here, I’d be standing armed & ready!
Giving back to the men and woman who give to us every day God Bless you all