Following the horrific murder of four Marines in Chattanooga, armed, patriotic Americans are standing guard at military recruitment centers, that are, by law, “gun free zones.”
Due to the failings of the feds, our own Marines are made sitting ducks at these centers that by their very nature are supposed to remain easily accessible.
One can’t think of a more ridiculous scenario than civilians having to protect the military because Obama won’t act to protect our nation’s finest.
Lol ^^^^^
Liberals are ruining our country. Lets get more guns and fewer liberals.
It’s a shame that our government won’t allow our military to protect themselves since all military soldiers are trained in weapons and should be permitted to carry them. Since the terrorists know they’re unarmed they are sitting duck targets for terrorists and will continue to be targeted. Times have changed and the need for armed soldiers is here since our enemies are here now.
Instead of funding our military Obama is funding our enemies instead so they are armed enough to attack us.
Are they protecting the recruitment centers from lightning, because the incidence of terrorism and lightning strikes are about the same.
Brave civilians!
Good for them !!
God bless those that are protecting those who are not allowed to protect themselves. Wake up America.
Truly PATHETIC Congress does not take this man down. They are cowards and will eventually pay for there treason to the people. May God have mercy on all of them.