Following the horrific murder of four Marines in Chattanooga, armed, patriotic Americans are standing guard at military recruitment centers, that are, by law, “gun free zones.”
Due to the failings of the feds, our own Marines are made sitting ducks at these centers that by their very nature are supposed to remain easily accessible.
One can’t think of a more ridiculous scenario than civilians having to protect the military because Obama won’t act to protect our nation’s finest.
went to a military base awhile back and there were civilian police protecting the base. What and when did this c**p happen. save the world but they can’t protect their own home. Lord give me strenght
New diagnosis insanity in high places for real!!!
“The authorization to carry firearms shall be issued only to qualified personnel when there is a reasonable expectation that life or DoD $#%&!@*ets will be jeopardized if firearms are not carried,” it says.
The policy, however, adds, “DoD personnel regularly engaged in law enforcement or security duties shall be armed.” A former member of the Air Force, with experience in base security, thus, told the Washington Post that he would guess there were “no more than a couple of dozen weapons on the Navy Yard.”
Your Looking At Real American`s.
I’ll research it further and if it’s correct it’s a very poor policy and I personally am opposed to it. Trained members of our Armed Forces should be armed at all military facilities.
I’m here to stand with my fellow Americans to protect our heroes!!
As a former member of the military and law enforcement it’s my personal belief that all trained military should carry on duty and for many(Special Operations)off duty.
We love our military and our vets.God bless all who wear or who have worn a uniform of the United enforcement and our great firemen.also.