Following the horrific murder of four Marines in Chattanooga, armed, patriotic Americans are standing guard at military recruitment centers, that are, by law, “gun free zones.”
Due to the failings of the feds, our own Marines are made sitting ducks at these centers that by their very nature are supposed to remain easily accessible.
One can’t think of a more ridiculous scenario than civilians having to protect the military because Obama won’t act to protect our nation’s finest.
Brave souls guarding brave souls. Nothing but praise !!!
God Bess them
How about the labor participation rate? Lowest in 30 years. And that Dow #, great for the rich that liberals love to bash but not so much for the middle cl$#%&!@*. Welfare recipients? Doubled. Unemployment rate among minorities? Double that of everyone else. So much for improvements for minorities. Race relations? Abysmal. Real unemployment rate? Over 12%. How is that JV team doing on the terrorism front? Seem to be getting 3 pointers at will.
D.C sniper was not terrorism. And Obama could allow Military personnel to carry arms but he won’t because politics comes before good policy. Then it would be conceding the point that good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns.
We can do our part! Protect our military!
How about restricting Islamic immigration until the war with them is over? When we were fighting the Germans in WWII did we allow German’s from $#%&!@* Germany to immigrate? Japan? During the Cold War did we allow unrestricted Russian immigration? Are you getting the picture? How stupid are you? Do we have to draw you a step-by-step set of written instructions? If we do, then we do not need you as our Representatives!!!!
Sad days for America, thanks to the clown in the White House!
It’s a sad day when citizens have to protect the military! What kind of a president stands by and does not enable the military to protect themselves?