With all of the violence happening in the United States, spurred by race, terrorism and other forms of hatred, it’s easy to forget that sometimes violent situations occur because people are mentally unstable. Though most are reluctant to blame anything on mental health, especially when another agenda can be served, sometimes the reasoning for certain acts are far simpler than you’d expect. After responding to a call about a car that was in a ditch on the side of the road, a Louisiana state trooper found himself in an altercation with the driver, which ended when the driver pulled out a pistol and shot the trooper in the head.
Watch what happened next.
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That’s how it used to be in the old days and it seemed to work pretty well.
How was the officer going to do his job, with a gunshot to his head? The citizen tackled, and detained the gunman until help arrived.
I don’t know why, but for some reason that interview really looked like a scripted interview lol. I know it wasn’t though, at least I think it wasn’t lol.
Firing squad for the perpetrator that shot our Trooper!!!! He is guilty, no need for a trial!!!
Oh they’ll be punished.
Shootem ALL!
I would have detained him then snapped his neck.
Sucks for him he should tell his cop buddies to stop killing people
I agree